Statement of Purpose (PRAAASHA)

I am Applicant’s name, son of Mr. Father’s name and Mrs. Mother’s name, born on D.O.B. I am a permanent resident of location name, Nepal. I am a Nepalese citizen holding the passport number XXXXXXXX. Now I am admitted to study further in University name. My course is Bachelor of Information Technology. This is my first time applying abroad for education, and it will be my first abroad visit to any country if I succeed to get my visa.

Academic background:
I completed my Secondary Education Examination (SEE) in year A.D with XX GPA from school name and School Leaving Certificate (SLC) in year A.D with a Cumulative GPA XX from college name, location name. And after my graduation as per guidance, I took IELTS classes for two months and successfully scored XX in listening, XX in reading, and XX in writing and XX in speaking and overall XX. I also researched about abroad study, visited different consultancies, participated in different education seminars, applied for offer letter and prepared my financial related documents.

Reason to choose Australia:
After making my decision to study abroad, I researched different countries and concluded to study in Australia. Australia is one of the world’s leading destinations for international students. The universities in Australia are among the best in the world. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) allows students to easily move through the education system and provides an easy way for countries around the world to recognize the qualification. Australia has led the world in putting in place systems and processes to ensure that international students receive the high-quality education they expect. More than 20 Australian Universities are in the top 500 Universities in the world and most of the Australian Universities are public universities. Australia has got the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 which deals with the rights of the international students. Another reason is that Australia has Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS which protects fees of the student if any university or college is unable to deliver the course. It means I should not worry about my paid tuition fees. Australia is a very safe country to study and it has got very modern technology especially in the information technology sector where I can practice my course with modern IT equipment. It has compulsory health insurance system (OSHC) for international students. It means I should not worry about any medical problem. There are students from more than 100 countries making multicultural study environment. I can make friends from all around the world, can get involved in different cultures and exchange ideas with each other. Australia has received more than 15 Nobel Prize which shows the quality of the Australian universities and quality of education. Also, students studying in Australia can experience in their course-related field under the Post Study Work (PSW) visa so that student can get a degree and international experience as well. Australia’s higher education degrees and qualifications are recognized by employers and academics worldwide. Moreover, Australia is a high tech modern country that has connect library to the internet which makes learning more effective. Technologically Australia is advance, forward-thinking country and their innovation and technology have profited millions around the world and faster than other countries for example millennium is the highest rates of internet access in the world. Millions of the people around the globe relay on Australian innovation. I have researched about Australia from different websites such as www.studyinaustralia.gov.au, www.homeaffairs.gov.au, www.cricos.education.gov.au  and collected information about the Australian education system, living cost, visa conditions etc.

Why not in Nepal:
Talking about my home country Nepal, there are many colleges/universities; they are not as good as they are in Australia or any other countries like USA, UK, and Canada. I had done some research in the universities and colleges of my home country like Purbanchal University, The British College, Pokhara University, Tribhuvan University and Kathmandu University but the educational reforms are being made here but they are still insufficient and unimplemented in time. Nepal is a developing country and it needs more years to improve the education system. A theoretical method is given more priority than the experimental method. The implemented courses have not been updated for many years and modern courses are not inducted yet and I think it will take years to be inducted. These kinds of flaws have limited the learning area of students making them unaware of world-class courses and programs. Though students get degree but completely lack research-based knowledge and professional skills that can be applied in real life. Thus, I have decided to look forward for international study which would provide me with better facilities than in my own country to result into a resource person and reliable asset to any organization and for the country. Another reason for not studying in Nepal is it takes 4 years to complete Bachelor taking 1 more years and there are very limited specializations options to choose for students. Some colleges offering BIT course but they have very limited seats and also most of those Colleges requires entrance examination for the admission and if not selected in the first try again need to wait for 1 more years. I already studied long time in Nepal and now I want to take an international degree which will have high value in my home country. International degree holders get high-level job in Nepal and also they get high pay compared to local degree holders. There are some international colleges in Nepal such as Islington College, The British College but they are offering distance education in Nepal which I am not interested to study. While studying in Nepal I can also meet with many international students from different countries, can exchange different cultures and ideas. So, comparing all those factors I have decided to study abroad not in my home country Nepal.

Research about other study destinations:
I did a lot of research relating higher education in my own country and other countries like USA, UK, Germany, Finland, Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, etc. but I came in conclusion that Australia is the best and suitable place for me and my further study. In USA, students need to attend competitive exams like SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test), ACT (American College Test), which takes a lot of time as well as there is not safe environment for international students. Also, it takes 4 years to complete a Bachelor in USA which takes extra 1-year tuition fees and living cost. In UK, currency value is high compared to Australia. Also there is no Tuition Protection Scheme in UK and tuition fees are not safe like Australia. In Germany language is very tough and students have to complete level B2 which is difficult. In Canada, mostly diploma courses are offered and also its very cold weather but Australia has almost similar weather with Nepal. New Zealand more focuses for Diploma level course and also there are limited Universities and tuition fee is very high. I compared the currency rate with different countries where I found 1 USD = NPR amount, 1 GBP = NPR amount, 1 Euro = NPR amount, 1 AUD = NPR amount. I found AUD is more affordable compared to all other currency which takes less cost to complete the degree. That’s why I decided to pursue my bachelor’s degree from Australia.

Reason to choose University name:
After making decision to study in Australia, I have also researched my intended course availability in some of the well-known universities and colleges in different cities. With thorough research and guidance from my friends and seniors, I came to know about a related course of my interest was offered at different leading education providers in Australia like Griffith University, James Cook University, Southern Cross University, Macquarie University, University of Southern Queensland and University name. After that, I compared on a different aspects such as tuition fees, intake dates, location, courses and the facilities provided by each educational providers rivetingly visiting their websites, I came to decide that University name is best for me. While comparing fee structure for BIT in Australia I found that fee structure of this university is more economical than another university like Griffith University, James Cook University, Macquarie University, Western Sydney University, Southern Cross University, etc. Almost all the universities have fees per year more than AUD amount but for the same course in University name it takes AUD amount per year and after I get XX % scholarship it decreases to AUD amount per year. Another reason for choosing University name is scholarship as well where XX% scholarship is very good scholarship. While looking at the fee structure of Macquarie University it is about AUD amount per year and of Western Sydney University is about AUD amount per year for the same course so I will save just above AUD amount per year if I study in University name. I also compared the course structure, elective units, class size, graduate employment rate etc. and I confirmed with the University name  

From my research I found that University name is number 1 in Victoria for graduate full-time employment and its campus is located in Brisbane as well. University name performs above the national average in all eight measures of student experience and graduate outcomes. For the second year running, it maintained its five-star ratings for Student Support and Skills Development and continues to be the most highly regarded Victorian university by students for measures of the student experience. Computing and IT students rate it higher for measures of student support and overall experience than any other university. It’s beneficial for me because my course of interest i.e. Information Technology falls in this field. To every student, it is a matter of fact that the class size matters. With research on all above-mentioned universities, University name has the comparatively small class size, which is a significant factor to effective learning as the interaction between teacher and students grows strong. Moreover, being situated in a developed country like Australia is an impressive fact of this university. Eventually, what I want to say is that the course in the University name has been designed to give the students a great head-start in their career. So, I’m strongly rooting for the admission council to let me be a part of this university so that I can achieve my goal through the institution of my choice. I’ve always been dedicated to my study and always had a sound relation with lecturers and professors since my young age.

I will be staying in rented accommodation sharing with some other friends in Brisbane. I have researched the options for Brisbane city from different websites and from some friends who are studying there. It will cost approx. XX – XX AUD per week for the accommodation. I will get further support for the accommodation booking after my visa with my Counselor.

Reason for Choosing Bachelor of Information Technology: 
I was very fond of computers since my childhood. When I was studying in school level, I discovered the increasing scope of computer information and technology. The growing scope and demand on internet contents further encouraged my interest to learn more about it and I decided to choose computer subject over other optional subjects in secondary level and even chose computer subject in class 11 instead of biology. Computing has a high scope and a reliable future as the internet services are creating demand for professionals to manage all of these vast networks spreading across the globe. It’s also helping business to become more agile, flexible and efficient and I am optimistic about pursuing my degree on this. IT has played a vital role in the 21st century. IT is noble field with many opportunities. All these has been possible through information technology like telephone, fax, telex, computers, internet, email etc. and are becoming a part and parcel of our lives and are transforming lifestyles and habits of people all over the world. IT is such a subject that incorporates new technology and its definition keeps on changing with time. There is fun, creativity and money in this profession. I dream of working as an IT expert or any other renowned IT firms in future. Also there are very few qualified IT professionals in the market due to which there is high demand of IT professionals in the days to come. From my childhood, I was fascinated by computer-related things. The dynamic world of IT and communication requires skilled expertise in computer technology, telecommunication, multimedia as well as the knowledge of the network. Bachelor of Information Technology is a 3 years course and focuses on areas like mobile app development and ICT management as it has high job demand. The CRICOS code of this course is XXXXXXX and total fee of this course is AUD amount after scholarship. This course includes learning latest technology such as CISCO routers and switches, Amazon cloud servers, and virtualization (Hyper-V) infrastructure. Information Technology (IT) allows one to take career in a number of different directions such as a computer network architect, a computer programmer, a computer systems analyst, a database administrator, an information security analyst, an information architect, a web developer and so much more. I will be able to apply my knowledge in information technology in the areas like networking, security, virtualization, enterprise network management, cloud, data analytics, ICT management, web application development, mobile application development and database. ICT, government, banking and finance, retail, education, health, media and manufacturing are the sectors for utilization of my skill and knowledge with creativity and determination after completing my course. My course will start from course start date and ends on course end date.

Why Brisbane?
I have selected Brisbane as a teaching location because it is one of the largest cities of Australia after Sydney and Melbourne and is land of opportunities. It is a multicultural and student-friendly city. I will study with students from different backgrounds. Brisbane is incredibly welcoming to international students from around the world and it is the best place to live. Brisbane is less crowded than Sydney and Melbourne. As an international student, studying abroad means not only to achieve degree but it is more about learning new things like: cultures, way of living, new ideas and knowledge. I hope one can achieve these qualities during their student life in Australia which can help to build up their confidence to achieve their future goal. I am fully optimistic that international educational experience will be awarding me in the upcoming future.

My Future Career Plan and incentives to return home country Nepal:
After finishing my course, I intend to do my Post Study Work (PSW). This will help me gain some helpful experience in a professional environment. As Nepal is a developing country with a small but growing business sector, Nepal needs a lot of IT professionals to help develop every sectors. By gaining valuable practical skills in a developed country like Australia, I can properly focus on using the skills I have learnt in abroad to my country. After my return in Nepal, I will be working in some big IT companies in Nepal like NTC, NCELL, Sprout Technologies, Leapfrog Technology, Braindigit and Yomari. Getting an international degree will give me a benefit in getting placed in these companies and I will be having a good remuneration as well. I will be working as a Digital Marketer, IT Consultancy, Web developer, Mobile application developer etc. and getting NPR Amount to NPR Amount a month will be definitely a good start in the initial stage which will increase in future and I can get up to NPR Amount per month after some years of experience. However, in the long term, I have a plan to open my own IT company in  Nepal after having good experience and savings. Considering that not a single company falls under FORTUNE 2000 list, I would like to be the initiator for my country. Currently, there are a very few large scale private ventures in Nepal and thus I would like to contribute to my country by managing a large IT firm in future. While working in those companies I can recover my study investment within some years. I can apply for the job using different online job portals available in Nepal. I can also apply for the job in the government offices as recently Nepal has introduced federal system government and there are shortages of the skill persons in each province of Nepal where I will be paid high and job chances are also high. So, I am fully confident that I will get very good job in Nepal with an Australian degree. If I am unable to find a competitive job in Nepal, I can also apply for international jobs.

Furthermore, I am the single son of my parents and I intend to return to them after my studies. The only motive of me studying abroad is to gain sufficient knowledge and experiences so that I can use them here in Nepal. I am confident that I will get a competitive job in Nepal with an Australian degree in Nepal and the IT sector is growing in Nepal. I will easily recover my study investment while working in Nepal with an Australian degree. Being a Nepalese citizen, I am heartily connected to my culture, society, cultural values, traditions and norms and being the only child of my parents, I have a responsibility towards my parents. I am emotionally attached to my parents and Nepali society which gives me the reasons to return back after my graduation. I am convinced enough that I will have a rewarding experience both theoretically and practically in my field which will certainly help me to achieve my goal. As I have my own responsibility to pay back to my country, it will be a great privilege to be working and serving my nation. These are the reasons which attract me to return back to my country.

My families are my sponsors so they’ll be helping in all my financial requirements for my study in Australia. My parents have sound income so that there will be no any difficulties or problem regarding my financial issues. My parents have a strong income source from salary, vehicle and agriculture which will help me to fulfil my dream of getting good infrastructure for education in Australia.  In addition, we do have a bank balance of NPR Amount which is equivalent to AUD Amount in Bank name, location name

Understanding Visa Conditions
I’m aware about the student visa conditions in Australia and I will follow all those conditions while studying in Australia: 

  • I need to maintain 80% of attendance.
  • I cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight
  • I need to maintain 50% passing grade in each term.
  • I cannot change the college for six months upon enrolment.
  • I need to maintain health insurance under OSHC while staying in Australia.
  • I must notify to college within 7 days if I change the address or contact details and so on. 

At last, I would like to state that my only intention of applying to University name Brisbane is to pursue my goal of higher education and make myself competitive in front of the world and prepare myself for my bright future in the field of science and technology.

Sincerely Yours,

Applicants name 
Passport Number:

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