Statement of Purpose (RASAAMAH)

I am very pleased to get this opportunity and it is with a sincere sense of gratification that I pen down by a brief statement of purpose before you. I am applicant’s name born on D.O.B holding a Nepalese passport XXXXXXXX a permanent residence of Location name. I have a small family consisting of my father (Mr. Name) is a Businessman and my mother (Mr. Name) is a Marketing Officer. I have always believed that if we set our sights for and the intention to do the hard work for it, our feet will carry us towards it. Regarding this belief that I attribute my accomplishments till today and my passion to study further.

Academic Qualification and work experience
I would like to illustrate my past performances as my credentials for success in future endeavors. My academic performance was good and this acted as a booster and made me look at the future with confidence and excitement. My schooling provided me with much-needed information for a scientific approach in life. I learned that just having an interest is not sufficient and that it needs to be supplemented with hard work and determination to succeed. I scored score % marks in the 10th grade (School Leaving Certificate) from School name, location name, Nepal in the year A.D. This result filled me with more confident and left me with a predilection for academics. Then came in the phase of intermediate, where I enrolled myself in 3 years Proficiency Certificate Level (PCL) from college name which is affiliated by the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT). It was the fascination and years of hard work that resulted in my selection to a further degree in the field of Nursing. I had completed my course with Distinction marks (score %) in the year A.D. . Then I was registered as a Qualified Nurse by Nepal Nursing Council on year A.D. During the period from year A.D to year A.D, I had worked as a volunteer nurse. Thereafter, I was appointed as a Staff Nurse from year A.D to year A.D. After then I have been working as a Staff Nurse in Company name. Since year A.D, to date. After finishing my Proficiency Certificate level (PCL) as I need 3-year experience in order to get enroll in Bachelor in Nursing. So after working for 3 years, I joined the Company name. in year A.D and finished my Bachelor in year A.D securing (score %) marks.

Previously, I worked as a Volunteer student Nurse from year A.D to year A.D in Company name, Location name After that, I was appointed as a staff nurse from year A.D till year A.D. Currently, I am working as a Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit under Company name. The responsibilities in my work involve overall patient care, leading and managing ward. Along with this, I also plan and manage to take various training and quality assurance workshop at various other hospitals and health centres.

Why Not Nepal?
Masters of Nursing is another step after PCL. Nursing to fulfill my ambition of further study in the nursing field. I planned to join the Masters of Nursing in Nepal in the beginning, I started the search for a good education provider through websites such as http://www.educatenepal.com/https://edusanjal.com/http://www.collegesnepal.com/ etc. There are few universities or colleges which include Master of Nursing in course curriculum in my country like Kathmandu University, Tribhuvan University, B.P Koirala Institute of Health Science and a few others. Most of these universities provide a Master of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Women’s Health, Adult Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Maternal Health Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, and courses are not satisfactory. Although the problem-based-learning has been introduced but have not been implemented yet properly for the advancement of evidence-based learning. For example, the curriculum of Master of Nursing in Tribhuvan University does not include a separate unit of professional skills, development, and promotion and it is difficult to find such course content in other universities too. Similarly, another main reason is the limited number of seats for admission and the also distribution of seats on the basis of the quota system. However, getting a seat to study here does not guarantee a high standard of education which can compete at an international level. Although MNS degree is available in Nepal but its educational standards are still well below the international level. However, it is very important that nurses should be more equipped with all-round professional knowledge and skills so that nurses can apply professional practice in the clinical area.I need quality education that teaches me up-to-date knowledge about the subject, new technological advancements achieved in the field and make me a capable nurse practitioner which is my ambition in life. Nursing is a research-oriented and practical based profession where one needs to update themselves both theoretically and practically. But in the case of Nepal, the teaching and learning method is not advanced yet in terms of delivering and application of theoretical knowledge in the real field. Also, getting an international degree will get high priority for the job in Nepal and also the salary level will be high compared to local degree holders. Also, I can get involved with different cultures and meet students from different nations. So, I decided that it was time for me to gain an international degree which is competitive, advanced and sophisticated and I started my research for the most suitable destination. So, I decided to appear in the Pearson English Test and got an overall 63. I believe that an international degree will not only help me to learn the latest nursing practices with technological advancement but also open the doors for bigger and wider opportunities where I can explore my knowledge.

Reason for choosing Master of Nursing International 
My decision to continue nursing because it’s my field of interest. I wanted a career that is challenging, interesting, and capable of making a difference in people’s lives every day. There is a definite need for an understanding of the roles and contributions of Nurses in management sectors too. In my profession, I deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine. Dealing with patients and their families, and helping them through what is often a difficult time for them is extremely satisfying for me. My profession grants continuous learning opportunities. I can work in different departments study to be a medical assistant and get into nursing management where I can lead, supervise and help new nurses grow. Through their initiative and compassion, nurses can make a significant impact on health care. I can also encourage selfless, compassionate and empathetic people who care about others’ lives to take up nursing as a career. Nursing is also the ideal career for those who want to be challenged continually and want to gain knowledge pertaining to the human body, its diseases, and life challenges and so on. I believe that nursing is one of the most interesting and growing careers available today, and I enjoy the difference I can make in my patient’s hospital experience. In my opinion, the skills of nurses are necessary to address emerging global challenges in health sectors worldwide.

The course Masters of Nursing (International) is a 2 years course. There are 96 core units. Under this course, I will be studying units such as Fundamentals of Nursing Communication, Evidence into practice, Legal and professional issues, Reflection for practice, Development in Nursing care, Effective leadership in Health, Tools for practice development, Facilitation and education skills for practice development etc. As, I have already studied PCL nursing and Bachelor of Nursing, this course is related to my previous studies. In addition to this, I have a work experience in this field which helps me to understand the theory and practical knowledge. This course will help me to critically analyze recent developments in healthcare and their impact on contemporary practice.

Reason for choosing the University name 
In my country, there are only a few universities and institutions that provide a degree of nursing with quality education. Nepal being a developing country lacks the techniques for bringing out the best in students and educational degree of Nepal is not globally competitive, Therefore, I have decided to further my study in the same stream of nursing and aspire to achieve Master of Nursing from University name    , located in Location name, Australia, because studying in one of the 12th largest economic country and having the degree in well-known reputed university will be honor for me and my family too. Besides, the University name            ranks among the top XX Universities in the world. It’s the highest-ranked university in NSW overall in QILT (Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching) in year A.D. The year A.D  QILT Employer Satisfaction survey ranked employer’s satisfaction with University name graduates at Score % (XX% National Average), placing University name  XX in Australia for public universities and XX in NSW overall. It is globally ranked XX among the top XX universities by QS World University Rankings year A.D and XX in the world as world’s Best Modern Universities by QS Top XX Under XX Rankings year A.D  In addition, it owns some other awards like Asia Pacific Region’s Best University, A Globally Rated Five Star University, Global Leader in Social and Economic Reward, etc. These awards and achievements too tempt towards the University. I find that University name  currently offers over 300-degree programs across both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to more than 32,000 students around the world. I am truly impressed by the University name  ranking in different categories. University name  has been recognized among the world’s best institutions for teaching excellence, receiving a Spotlight Award in the year A.D Global Teaching Excellence Awards. Throughout the 60-year history, it has built an international reputation for world-class research and exceptional teaching quality. In fact, employers have ranked the graduates as some of the most career-ready in the world for nine years in a row. These rankings have convinced me greatly as the evidence of University name reputation for innovation in their teaching and excellence in research. At this university, I hope to gain benefits from the world-class facilities and technology-based model of learning; collaborating with the hospital, community and location name community. Furthermore, the university offers a vast amount of resources and tools to guide the path of a professional career. My desire to gain exposure to such an innovative style of education prompted me to apply for the Master`s Program. Also, when I compared the fees of other universities like Western Sydney University ($ amount), University of Technology Sydney ($amount), Curtin University ($amount) I find University of Wollongong ($amount ) as a perfect option for me which provide the quality education in an affordable price.

In conclusion, besides the innovative style of learning with large resources and materials, the University name, Location name is rich with dynamic ideas of its students that include international society. I strongly believe this is the place to absorb not only the nursing principles but the culture as a whole. Being in an environment that stimulates the intellect, intelligence, and innovation will make significant differences in my personal development. I would be grateful if I got the opportunity to study at this reputed university. It would be a matter of great opportunity, which I seek to fully utilize to create a successful career in the near future. Finally, I do believe that this course will help to develop my skills and help me grow as a professional and I hope that you will give me a chance to prosecute my higher education in one of the highly esteemed University of Australia.

Why study in Australia not other countries?
I did thorough research about world’s best education destination countries like USA, Australia, UK and European Countries like Germany, Sweden by visiting education fairs like Kangaroo Education Fair 2018, Mega Australia Education Fair 2018, USEF Education USA University Fair Spring 2019, IDP USA Education Fair 2019 and IDP Australian Education Fair 2019 and online websites and blogs such website link,   website link, website link  ,Through my research and personal experience I came to the conclusion that Australia is the most suitable country for me to pursue my further studies.

Countries like the USA, UK, and Sweden were also in my bucket list, but Australia seemed to be the perfect match for the course I decided to pursue. It is incontrovertible to say that Australia is one of the most sought after destinations for international students since it has top-ranked universities and schools which offer an array of courses and has a favorable environment for international students. Countries like the USA entangled with gun violence which makes me feel insecure, but, Australia has quite a favorable environment. The currency conversion rate of USA is extremely high (i.e. 1 USD = amount NPR) in comparison to Australia.  Another factor that encouraged me to apply for an Australian degree over other countries is because of its lowest crime rate, better quality of life, better public infrastructure, moderate living expenses, affordable tuition cost, and better education system. USA and UK have lengthy and costly visa application procedure and also the visa conversion rate for these countries is lower compared to Australia, which are the major discouraging factors for the genuine student to apply for these countries

The conversion rate for UK is (1 Pound sterling = amount NPR). Likewise, Australia is listed as the safest country in the world for women by Global Wealth Migration Review 2019 [AfriAsia Bank, New World Health (2019) Global Wealth Migration Review 2019. [www.afrasiabank.com/en/about/newsroom/global-wealth-migration-review-2019 ] while the USA has been named as the 10th most dangerous country for women in the world by Thomson Reuters Foundation 2018 [Thomson Reuters Foundation (2018). The world’s most dangerous countries for women in 2018. poll2018.trust.org/country/?id=usa]. Being a female, it is necessary to consider one’s safety before deciding to go to another country to study or travel. Hence, these rankings have also played a crucial role in selecting Australia as my preferred study destination.

Further, the ESOS Act (Education Services for Overseas Student Act 2000) and TPS are measured for quality assurance and considered to be a unique perception of the act for to support an international student. Similarly, Commonwealth Register of Institution and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) framework has aimed to check and control requirements and standards for the quality assurance of education and training institutions offering wide courses to international students. Not only this, a safe, multicultural diversity, welcoming environment to international students is another reason behind choosing Australia. They value the wealth of cultural diversity and social sophistication that international students bring to the campuses and communities. In addition, Australia has a low crime rate and strict gun control laws providing a safe environment. The student’s study plans are also not likely to be hampered by political turmoil. Due to which, it is home for every international student from various parts of the world. Therefore, I considered Australia as my educational destination to keep my good future career ahead where every aspect of life touched through excellent procurement to give a good life for national or international students. Moreover, Australia also provides PSW which is an additional value for the students like me. We can experience the business culture of international organization. I can witness how operations are conducted in the organization. Also, this will make me job ready after returning back to home country Nepal. As, Australia is an educational hub for the international students which shares the multi-cultural environment. Knowing people around the globe will be an amazing experience for students like me. Also, Institutions in Australia offer a wide variety of courses and degrees, so international students can easily find the school and field that are right for them. The first decision international students have to make when choosing a degree program is which school caters most to their needs and interests. One of the things which fascinates me towards the Australia was its health insurance system. The Australian health insurance system is as unique as the country itself. Because of this, it is important to familiarize yourself with how the country manages its health insurance system before study abroad there.

Why University name? 
University name 
is one of the seaside cities in location name. It is on a long, narrow coastal strip containing numerous beaches.  The city is the home to the University name and provides an excellent environment for study and living. The natural surroundings, temperate climate, and small population make it an easy place to live. The region has a mild, oceanic climate that rarely produces unpleasant weather. The temperature never drops below freezing. Summer temperatures are maintained by a sea breeze. The university’s main campus blends with the natural environment to west. Campus grounds back on to a nature reserve and hold native trees as well as streams and duck ponds. It is a relaxed, quintessentially Australian setting. At the same time, it is well connected to a major city and has high educational standards. It is XX km south from Sydney, the capital city of New South Wales and takes XX minutes to reach by train. Though the city is quite small but renders a free city loop bus operating between the university and city center to the students who don’t walk or cycle to classes.  The city has a great range of affordable eating options due to its migrant history, the pubs also have discount prices for students, with Wednesday labeled as “student night”. It means that I will be able to adapt to the environment easily. Its simplicity and the perfectly harmonious environment will be the best for my further studies. So I choose University name

Financial Sponsorship
I am fully sponsored by my parents. My father (Name) holds a partnership business in company name and earns a profit of  NPR amount, also he has given some of his some of the lands in the lease and generates an income of NPR amount. My mother University name works in an company name where she earns an NPR amount .In addition to this, my parents have a fixed deposit of NPR amount in Bank Name. My parents are aware of the importance of education in this competitive world, so they are more than happy to sponsor me.

My future Career plans
Once I complete my degree, I will come back to my home country Nepal with an intention to stay with my family and be a part of Nepal’s growing strength. Having an international degree from the well-known university will create additional value for my career. I will be able to compete with the local and international markets. I strongly believe that experience strongly influences the income and position of a nurse. It is a fact that compared to local MSN graduates; someone with an MSN from Australia and good work experience has a much greater chance of getting hired for managerial positions in reputed medical institutions of Nepal. I can get a job in the designations like Nursing Consultant, Nurse Educator, Nurse Administrator, Research Nurse and soon.  I can get the job via an online medium like https://www.jobsnepal.com/https:// merojob.com/https://www.kumarijob.com/ Thus, my goal is to apply for a mid-level job at the initial period. After getting the few years experience I can apply for the experience managerial-level position like Research Nurse, Nursing Consultant, Nurse Educator in well-known hospitals like Bir Hospital, Teaching Hospital, Gangalal hospital, Norvic International Hospital, Grande International Hospital and so on where I can earn NPR amount NPR amount in the initial period and gradually increases as per time and my skills. After getting the experience of 3 to 4 years in a related field and in-depth knowledge my salary will increase up to NPR amount to NPR amount  Even in my country I would like to emphasize that it is high paying job. With University name  degree and qualification I can thrive in this type of environment.

Also, I can have opportunities in INGOs, NGOs and the government sector. There are high demand of nurses in this field. As various type of awareness and treatment campaign are going on in the Nepalese market, I can choose my career in this field too. The INGOs like Marie Stops Nepal, WHO Nepal and many more. Nursing is a very respective and demanding profession that will put new challenges and practices which comes with the real sense of job satisfaction.

 I can use my knowledge and skill that I learned from the University name as well as work experience, in the betterment of the health care system in Nepal. Therefore, I am confident that the offered program is going to benefit me in more than one way. In the long run, I have planned to serve the society which will provide satisfaction for me. With the theoretical knowledge and practical skills learned from University name as well as work experience during my internship, I will be more qualified and skillful to introduce, promote and implement such projects or programs in Nepal. Furthermore, I will have a greater opportunity of making contributions on a national scale by suggesting and implementing major changes for the overall improvement of the healthcare sector of Nepal. Moreover, my parents are getting old my father is in his mid-50 and my mother in early 50. It would be my privilege to look after them as it is my culture too. I would be happy to look after them for what they have sacrificed for me. They will need my care and support in their old age. So, I don’t have any intention to overstay in Australia.

 The incentive to return back home country
In addition to this, I have my loving family residing in Nepal and it is my predestined responsibility to look after them. No comfort in this world would make me stay away from my family because of all the hardships, sacrifices and deeds they have done to make me truly who I am today. I have a property of NPR amount which is equivalent to AUD amount which needs to be cared for by me. As Nepal is a developing country, there are many upcoming projects that are pipelined. It is one of the developing nations and requires huge manpower in every field and sector. As far as nursing demand goes its high in Nepal, but lack of proper infrastructure in technical learning is abandoned and to some extent it’s improve in recent years. There is a high demand of nurses who has the international recognize degree in my country because the standard of practice is based on Research and Development (R& D), which will help me to get quick career growth.

University name
 offers a wide range of safe and central accommodation an ideal environment for international students to meet and make friends. As a student, finding the right accommodation is an important step. I have researched some of the websites which provide living arrangements such as website link   which costs $XX-$XX per week in shared accommodation. I am planning to have shared accommodation with my friends.

Visa Condition 
As I am applying for a student visa as an international student in Australia, I am completely aware of the conditions for students under higher education visa subclass 500 which are as follows:

  • I need to have minimum attendance of 80 % with academic growth securing at least 50% to pass in each Subject.
  • I must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OHSC) while studying in Australia.
  • I cannot change my universities before6 months of my enrolled program.
  • I must inform my education provider/Department of Home Affairs (DHA) of my residential address in Australia within 7 days of arrival or change

I declare that the information given above is true and correct in every. I will obey the immigration laws and all the requirements during my stay in Australia. I strongly believe that earning an MSN degree from the University name  will immensely help me excel in my career and to boost my confidence enabling me to make noteworthy contributions to the healthcare sector of my country, Nepal.

Sincerely yours

Applicants name                                                                                                                                                                                   

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