I want to introduce myself as Applicant Name, a permanent resident of Vijayapur, Dharan 14, Sunsari, Nepal. From my early childhood till today, one of my most remarkable characteristics has been my curiosity to learn new things. I strongly believe in hard work and dedication for success. I was born on DOB There are four members in my family including my father, mother, me and sister. My family has always been supportive towards my education endeavors, providing me full financial support and inspirational throughout.

As a Computer Engineer, I look for postgraduate study to refine my insights and capabilities in the area of information technology. The undergraduate courses enabled me to develop my fundamentals, which I feel are not enough and thus it necessitates me to look for specialization. Thus, to enhance my capabilities and achieve my future goal of working as a Senior Software Engineer and contribute towards the development of IT in Nepal, I want to pursue my further education in Master of Technology (Software Engineering) from University name

Academic Background
As for my academic details, I have completed my School Leaving Certificate (SLC) from School Name of Dharan, Sunsari in Year with Score. After that I joined higher secondary level in science stream with physics and mathematics as majors and completed in the year Year with first division Score from College Name. My passion with computer started to grow when I was introduced to computer science course in my school at grade VI. I was completely attracted by computer games at that time and was dumbfounded to know that games are nothing but programs. Curious to know how to program, I developed a serious interest in programming languages. This keen interest in computers —particularly programming languages prompted me to choose engineering with Computer Science as my major. I earned my undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering in one of the most reputed university of Nepal (Tribhuvan University) and I was graduated on Date with Score from College Name Tribhuvan University, Dharan.

Work Experience
After the completion of my undergraduate, I began an internship as a Java Developer at well-known IT Company (Company Name) since Date for three months. During my internship, I got an opportunity to learn and experience in the practical environment. At the end of my intern period, I was offered for the permanent employee in the same IT Company from date to till now, looking after my sincerity and dedication to the work. I am given with the designation of Java Developer and my responsibilities are Database Design, Modules Development, Testing, System Deployment, using Project Management Tools, and Website Development. During this period, my duties are allocated by IT Manager. Eventually having some work experience in IT field and continuing my job, I decided to pursue Master’s degree in the field of information technology because I realize that there is still so much to learn how to work in real environment. Also, I wanted to get comprehensive knowledge of software development and other aspects of IT. I am sure pursuing my Master Degree from University Name , will assist me to gain skills in new technologies that have developed in their field and in this highly competitive global marketplace. After deciding to further continue my study in abroad, I started attending different seminars and in the meantime, I also knew that being an overseas student, I need to provide an English proficiency certificate with my academics for my admission. Thus, I appeared in the IELTS test on 17th June 2017 and acquired overall score of 6.5 with no individual band score less than 6, which meets the entry requirement as well.

Why not to study in Nepal
After taking decision to upgrade my academic qualification, I started doing a research in the different universities and the courses provided on different program. In my research, I did not find the institutions and the academic process here in Nepal attractive as in foreign universities. There are only few universities in Nepal such as Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, Pokhara University, Purwanchal University and some international colleges offering distance education where Master of Information Technology program is offered and the courses offered in the program are much similar to the courses offered in the undergrad with constrained choices for specialization. In those universities, theoretical approach is heavily focused as the teaching method rather than practical knowledge. There is lack of recent equipments and tools required for practical skills as old and unsystematic labs are being used from ages which, I believe, might not be the most gainful and successful approach to fuel my interest to learn. They are constantly following the identical same pattern, without change in curriculum and instructing methodologies. In addition to lack of focus on interactive and applied learning, the courses offered are not diagnosed globally. On the other side, I will get an incredible chance to meet students from various countries and become lifelong friends, learn self-reliance, experience new culture, gain independence, share thoughts and knowledge if I study outside Nepal. Thus, to get a higher quality of education that is centered on real world experience and for wider professional opportunities I made a decision to travel overseas for my further study.

Why not study in other countries
I have researched on various study destinations for my further study such as USA, UK, Canada, European countries and Australia. In my research, I found Australia more comfortable and suitable while comparing these other entire study destination. Australia ranks as the most attractive destination for global students after USA and UK. Regarding USA, there is high crime rate and the expenses of students for living and tuition fee for the university are also high. Universities in Europe gives free education to the students however I wanted to opt for primarily English speaking country. The rules and regulations for global students are significantly friendlier as in contrast to USA, Canada and UK. The universities in Australia are directed by the government so the quality of teaching is assured. Additionally, educational charge and living expense is relatively lower when contrasted with US and UK. The most important factor for me is climatic condition where I found that UK and Canada has unfavorable climatic conditions however Australia has comparative climatic condition like my home country. Australia has a safe, green, friendly, amicable society which helps to be in our comfort zone and make best use of the opportunities offered.  US Universities also require GRE for the admission and admission process is very slow and it has high crime rate as well where Australia is safe country. UK does not have PSW facility and also does not have Tuition Protection System like Australia. Most of the other European countries require to learn their own language for admission. So, I choose Australia for my further study not other countries.

Reason for choosing Australia
The main purpose behind deciding Australia as a destination for my further study are its worldwide recognized degree, secure and amicable society, excellent practical based education system, welcoming people, world class research, high standard of living, multicultural society, wider profession opportunities and many more. Australian degree is worldwide recognized due to which graduates from Australian universities are highly sought after and this will definitely help me to get appropriate job in my home country. Australian education system is much practical based and I can take the benefits of country’s mind-blowing technology and research resources, which makes a real differences. Similarly, Australia welcomes a huge variety of overseas students which will provide me opportunity to learn with students from various countries and get acquainted with different cultures. To ensure that the student’s rights and futures are secured, the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) provides various services such as defending the tuition fee and rights of the students. Australian government carefully regulates this system to maintain high standards of education. Moreover, the introduction of Tuition Protection Service (TPS) has further strengthened the protection of global student’s rights. TPS ensures that worldwide students are capable to either complete their education in another course or with another institution or receive a refund of their unspent tuition fees. Also, Australia has the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) which enables providers to provide courses to overseas students studying in Australia on student visas. Additionally, after the course students are eligible for Post Study Work (PSW) in Australia which can be utilized to gain experience of international work environment and understanding of organizational work style. Based on my research over the internet correspondence with acquaintances, the secure environment, religious freedom and sound economic conditions all speak about Australia for themselves. Along with this, there is also opportunity of scholarship, which can help to lower the cost of studying Australia for international students. I collected more information about Australia from the websites such as www.studyinaustralia.gov.au, www.australianuniversities.com.au, www.homeaffairs.gov.au, www.cricos.education.gov.au and also did research from other useful websites, youtube and collected feedback from the students who are already studying in Australia.

Why Sydney
I choose University Name  Sydney Campus because because there are many good reasons behind it. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and largest city which is popular destination for international education to overseas students. Sydney is a secure city and known for its utmost security and safety. As an international student to study and work in a safe city is my first priority. Also, Sydney has low crime rates in comparison to other cities. Moreover, Sydney has affordable living expenses and is also accounted as one of the most well facilitated city of Australia that has number of renowned education provider. I believe Sydney to be a best choice for my higher education as it provides quality education to the students. One of the good factors of Sydney is the climate which is favorable and very similar to my Nepal. Hence, this is the best place to study as it provides an insights into dealing with multicultural society that has various and better lifestyle.  I have already researched about living cost in Sydney which cost approx. 250 to 350$ per week and I will be staying nearby my university in rented accommodation.

Reason for choosing University Name
I have explored about various universities of Australia for postgraduate degree at similar course and got information about other universities like Western Sydney University, The University of Sydney, University of the Sunshine Coast, Victoria University, Central Queensland University and so on. In comparison to these universities, I realized that the course of University Name  is the best option for me in terms of courses, teaching facilities, tuition fee, teaching location and international student support. I was looking for the university which could provide me quality education at an affordable cost. Considering the tuition fee of University Name  costs around AUD $ 25,500 annually in which I have got 20 % scholarship which makes AUD $ 20,400 per annum for me as per the website for 2018 intake, while universities like Western Sydney University has AUD $30,160 per year for 2018 intake. I also found similar course in The University of Sydney but it has AUD $41,000 per year for 2018 intake which is comparatively higher. Similarly, USC cost AUD 25,200 annually and CQU has approx AUD 27,000 per year. Also, my academic details and IELTS score both meet the entry requirement for applying in this university. In addition, the fee structure of University Name  is quite affordable for international student like me. Also the university is involved in many diverse research and development projects and technology facility that will help secure the city’s future. I also compared the course structure as per my previous academic background and course offered by University Name  is more relevant and useful for my career and I finally selected University Name .

Australian Technical and Management College (UNIVERSITY NAME ) is reputed educational institution associating with three leading universities University Name , Charles Darwin University and University of Sunshine Coast provides a high standard educational skills and recognized educational qualification at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the field of technology, business, commerce and management. UNIVERSITY NAME  itself provides a pathway program to the international students. UNIVERSITY NAME  has campuses in Sydney and Melbourne and promises a very excellent and supportive learning environment. UNIVERSITY NAME  also gives great support and guidance to international students such as medical services, academic support, peer networking opportunities and counseling services. It also provides job placement assistance by providing guidance at resume preparation, mock interviews, etc. It has well furnished class rooms and it offers small class size then studying directly in the University. Also, it has very good student support services and students who are already studying there found happy. So, I will be studying in UNIVERSITY NAME  college affiliated with University Name .

Talking about University Name  in more, University Name  is one of the Australia’s leading universities having distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a leading reputation for engagement with industry and the professionals. It was established in 2013 by combining the University of Ballarat and Monash University Gippsland Campus. The university has over 23,000 international students and offers them flexible study options. It is the first regional, multi-sector University and the third oldest site for higher learning in Australia. It offers access to higher education, TAFE, secondary schooling and research opportunities. It has its campuses in Ballarat, Gippsland, Berwick, Brisbane and Wimmera and the university also delivers its program online and through a range of partner institutes across Australia and around the globe. It has been ranked number one in respect to median starting salary, overall employment, student support and teaching scale (QILT, 2017) in Victoria. It is a star AEN rated university and has a ranking of number 19 on the ERA scale (2012) within Australia. A student satisfaction survey has showed that this university has a rating of 86% for business, 86.2% for health and science and 81.5% for arts. These statistics appealed me to select University Name  for my further education as the academic standard of university is undoubtedly one of the best delivered by any Australian University. It offers various courses and the courses are recognized internationally and in Australia through accreditation by professional organizations. Similarly, there are highly qualified and experienced academic staffs and lecturers and tutors are available to assist students if they have any questions or concerns. They also provide real focus on the students experience and understands that each student have their own aim to achieve and reach beyond their field of interest to explore many different experience that will help the students choose their future pathways.  Hence, these things made me feel University Name  to be the best options for my studies. I opted for University Name  for its academic excellence and encouragement towards the student. It provides industry related teachings and also supports further growth and hopes that I will be guided through a complete technical and practical based professional course.

Reasons for choosing Master of Technology (Software Engineering)
My aim is to become a Senior Software Engineer and contribute to the development of IT in Nepal. The undergraduate courses enabled me to develop my fundamentals, which I feel are not enough and thus it necessitates me to look for specialization. Research, education and international exposure from a reputed institute like University Name  will definitely help me to enhance my capabilities and achieve my future goal. Thus to reach my goal I have chosen this program. Also, Master of Technology (Software Engineering) is an innovative program designed with input from IT industry partners. Moreover, the courses focuses in the area like system administrator, software analyst, system designer, IT consultant, etc. Furthermore, it has an efficient program structure. Also, the Master of Technology (Software Engineering) having CRICOS code 080497G in UNIVERSITY NAME  has four semesters which are completed in 2 years. The fees of this courses is AUD $25,500 per annum in which I have received 20% scholarship which makes AUD $ 20,400 per annum for me which is an affordable cost. The completion of this degree has variety of career opportunities throughout the world in the IT sector. Some of the course contents that I will be studying in this program are Big Data and Analytics, Enterprise Systems, Software Testing, Software Engineering Methodologies, Leadership in IT Project Management, IT Services Management and Processional Culture, Software Engineering: Analysis and Design, Comparative Programming Languages and so on. This course also has accreditation with the professional body of Australia like Australian Computer Society.

My Future Career Plan After Completing Degree From Australia
After completion of my postgraduate degree, I will gain short experience of international work environment and their organization working style during my post study work (PSW) period. If I am unable to find the PSW I will still have Australian degree which will be enough to get the competitive job in my course related fields. Also, I will have the opportunity to be able to mix with international culture and learn many more things from them. My home country lacks skilled manpower in IT department to handle the complex problem which has been major obstacle in the advancement of IT area. The world has seen much development in this field however Nepal has yet to work a lot. Thus, I see a great opportunity after coming back to my homeland to build my career in the field of IT and I believe that the knowledge and skills that I will achieve from University Name  will absolutely help me achieve my dream of working as a Senior Software Engineer and contributing to the development of IT sector in Nepal. After post study work period, I assure to return to my home country Nepal and work for leading IT companies in Nepal. I want to contribute my knowledge and skills that I would gain in my postgraduate study and post study work period in the related field of Information Technology here in Nepal. Also, I can prepare my career in Software Development, Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Networking Administration and IT consultant here in Nepal. Reputed organizations such as Nepal Telecom, Ncell, Verscend Technologies, Deerwalk Institute of Technology, Pragmatic Technology, Leafrog Technology etc. are always on the lookout for skilled professionals for the graduates like me. These firms pay very good salary as per my expertise, which would be NRs. 65,000/- to 80,000/- per month and increase gradually as per my experience and performance. Besides, I would also like to analyze the market requirements and start my own startup in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Nepal with the analytical and entrepreneurial skills that I will have obtained during my graduate studies in the Australia. My main purpose, though, is to be involved in a tech startup that fulfills the ever-growing challenges of IT in Nepal while also contributing to the field by collaborating with like-minded enthusiasts and engineers in Nepal. So, I can see very good job opportunities in Nepal as there are many IT companies are working in Nepal and more will be added. So, I cam confident that I will get competitive job in Nepal which will recover my study investment also shortly. If I am unable to find the competitive job in my home country Nepal I can also apply for the international job based on my degree from Australia but I will give my first priority for my home country.

After completion of my Master’s program, I assure to return to my home country Nepal, as my parent resides in Nepal, and my main intention to go to Australia is for further education. In Nepal, the family is seen as the most important social unit and a high esteem is put in family ties. Thus, being the son of the family I have duties towards my parents in their ancient age plus I do have the significant roles to look after the properties of my parents that are lying here in Nepal. Apart from this, another important reason to return back is to achieve success in my own land with family and friends. Hence, my emotional attachment with my family and increasing value global degree in Nepal will make me return in my home country.

Financial Arrangements
I am fully prepared in terms of finance to study in Australia. I have already mentioned that I live in a small family with four members in the family. They are my parents, elder sister and me. My entire family is very supportive with my decision to study in Australia. For this purpose, my family members are sponsoring me. Basically, my mother has an annual income of NRs. Amount from salary working as a Sales Manager at Company Name and she also has an income of NRs. Amount from the Land Lease. Along with this, my sister earns NRs. Amount from her own business i.e. Company Name at Itahari, Sunsari. Moreover, mother has cash balance of NRs. Amount at Bank for my higher studies. Thus, I strongly believe that there won’t be any financial difficulties for me and my family to pursue my high education in abroad.

Understanding Visa Conditions
As begin a responsive student, I must understand the obligations of a student under higher education subclass SSVF 500. Under the student visa I need to maintain academic progress, I should have covered by the health insurance for my full course duration and I have already arranged that. I should have more than 80% attendants in my study, I should update my address to my University and department if I changed my address & I will have work limitation. I will follow all those visa conditions.

Hence, my long term goal is to serve my nation as an IT expert followed by short term goal of getting internationally recognized degree from University Name – Sydney, which will prepare me as an expert in the field of IT equipped with both practical and theoretical knowledge. Therefore, I plan to complete Master of Technology (Software Engineering) with full enthusiasm and dedication which will help me attaining professional success. I will abide by Australian Laws and will not breach any visa conditions. I, sincerely hope Australian High Commission will give me the opportunity to study in Australia and provide me the chance to fulfill my dreams of achieving higher qualification in the world’s most livable and safest country with the richest culture so that I can pursue a successful career in the future and become global.

Lastly, I would like to conclude my writing thanking the respected visa officer taking a wonderful time going through my statement of purpose.


Applicant detail


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