Sudip Aryal

Sudip Aryal

usha niraula

Sudip Aryal

U.S.A VISA Success

Application Started on
: N/A
I20 Received on: N/A
VISA Received on: June 02, 2016

The key factor of counseling in my view is motivational speech turned up with assuring words. When I meet Amit Sir of KIEC Butwal branch, his counseling made me believe KIEC is best for me. After I applied for I20, I got proper correspondent from KIEC. I was made updated about universities and also received I20 in time with $10,000 scholarship. After we receive I-20, we visited KIEC head office and found US department more supportive than we expected.


They guided me for my interview preparation, possible questions and best way to tackle those questions. As a result, I received US visa for Northern Arizona University for fall Intake.


Sudip Aryal

Sudip’s Interview Experience

Stu: Namaste
VO: Namaste, Please pass me your I20 and transcript
Stu: Ok, Maam
VO: Why NAU?
Me: Well Maam, NAU is ranked 78 in forbes list of top 100 public Universities  in US and it has ABET accrediated also it has……(interupted)
VO: I don’t think rank is proper reason to choose NAU? Tell me the truth
Stu: Okay Maam, NAU has student teacher ratio 18:1 and it has small class size well maintained labs, college location and climate are also plus points….(interrupted)
VO: Rudely, I am asking same question for the third time. This is the last time I am asking you the same question. Please tell me honestly
Stu: Madam, The engineering program of NAU is very good and is ranked 44 in US according to US News and World Report ….(interrupted)
VO: Well, you are compuer science student. Do you think engineering is related to your course?
Stu: Ye Maam. It is related to my course
VO: Well then, tell me why Compute Science?
Stu: I want to develop my career as a software developer and it has tremendous scope these days. ..(interrupted)
VO: You have not studied computer Science in +2, then how can you be so sure about its scope. Have you done any programming classes?
Stu: I haven’t studied CS in +2 as my college didn’t have that course. But I have studied computer science in School level. There I have learnt about Qbasic and a bit of C programming
VO: Who are your sponsors?
Stu: My Parents are my sponsors and are involved in Business
VO: I didnt get complete answer. Tell me in details
Stu: Told the details about his income
VO: Well, then Go and pay $200 in counter no 11
Stu: Thank you Maam

Do you want to study in USA too?

Request a free appointment with us now. We can help you to fulfill your dream of studying abroad at USA.

Bijay Khatri

Bijay Khatri

bijay khatri

Bijay Khatri

Australia VISA Success

Application Started on
: July 15, 2016
I20 Received on: Sept 10, 2016
VISA Received on: Nov 14, 2016

Hello my name is Bijay Khatri. Now, I am in Sydney. I was so worried about my future because I left chartered accountant course. I was so confused where to go and what to do. Finally, I made a mind to go abroad to study. And again I was in dilemma which agent will give me visa fast and reliable.

Then i did a research and found Kathmandu Infosys as the best among others. And also get visa and good college and university. I am so thankful to all the team of Ktm Infosys about their friendly behavior. And looking forward to work together again in future.
Thank you.

Bijay Khatri


Do you want to study in USA too?

Request a free appointment with us now. We can help you to fulfill your dream of studying abroad at USA.

Akanksha Shrestha

Akanksha Shrestha

akanksha shrestha

Akanksha Shrestha

Australia VISA Success

Application Started on
: N/A
COE Received on: N/A
VISA Received on: N/A

The team KIEC represents a family that works really hard for better future of students who want to complete their further study in abroad. From the very first day I visited there, I really found friendly environment, each and every staff were ready to help new student.

The thing I like most about KIEC is expert counselor, who doesn’t provide false hope to the student. In the first session of counselling, the counselors make it crystal clear; what can be done and what cannot be. In case of any query or any problematic situation, they used to listen and suggest solutions to student without losing patience.

Mr Rajendra Rijal ( Managing Director), Mr Shyam Dahal ( Consultant Manager) and Mrs Namita Shrestha Rijal (Admission officer) and other staff were really helpful. Consulting with KIEC for abroad study is fortuitous as professional knowledge and experience of the team would help you to fulfill your dream and sorting out many problems that may arise during the process.

Thank you KIEC, only because of your support and guidance I am able to study Masters programme on such a wonderful university, ‘University of The Sunshine Coast’.



Do you want to study in Australia too?

Request a free appointment with us now. We can help you to fulfill your dream of studying abroad at USA.

US Visa Success Mantra

US Visa Success Mantra

You will have to appear one face-to-face interview with consular officer for US visa. So the following mantras will let you win the heart of consular officer and convince him/her to give you your ticket to U.S.: the student visa.

Demonstrate ties to your home country

Because you are going on a temporary visa, demonstrate to the consular officer that you have strong ties to your country of residence and show that you intend to depart the United States after your temporary stay.
Be concise, be relevant
Because visa interviews are short, do your best to explain why you want to study in the United States and how you plan to support yourself while in school.

Know your program and university selection well

If you can’t sufficiently convince the consular officer why you have chosen a certain field of study in particular university/college, then the chances are you are looked upon as an intended immigrant rather than a prospective student. So be prepared to answer the questions related to your course of study. You should also be able to explain how studying in the United States relates to your future professional career in your home country.


Bring all required genuine documents and supplements. If the documents are written (like recommendation letters) make sure they are short and present a clear picture of you.


Understand that you are going oversees for study and be ready to show adequate funds to support your living in that country. Do not base your plans to pay for colleges on the work opportunities that might be available to an international student. You will not be allowed to work full time and income will not be sufficient.

English language skill

You might be taking the TOEFL or taking the IELTS score report to the interview. But what matters is how persuasively you can talk and convince the officers of your real intention of studying in the U.S. The skill is also assessed because strong command over English is important to succeed as a student in U.S.

Be confident, be positive

Being confident and maintaining a positive attitude always helps. Do not engage the consular officer in an argument. If you are denied a student visa, ask the officer for a list of documents he or she would suggest you bring in order to overcome the refusal, and try to get the reason you were denied in writing.


More USA Interview Tips

Sample Partner Visa Interview Questions

Sample Partner Visa Interview Questions

For many partner interview applicants and sponsors, the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) will conduct an interview either in person or by phone. The interview is designed to probe each person’s knowledge about the relationship and about his/her partner, in an effort to help determine whether a relationship is genuine.

The following is a sample list of some of the potential questions that might be asked in an interview. Please keep in mind that this list is only a sample based on our experience with partner visa applications and interviews, and DIAC reserves the right to ask any appropriate question. If you believe a question is inappropriate, especially if it involves intimate details of your relationship, you have the right to object and tell the interviewer, politely, that you believe that question is inappropriate.

About Meeting Your Partner and Your Realtionship

  • When did you meet?
  • Where did you meet?
  • What did you find attractive about your partner at first?
  • What do you (now) find attractive about your partner?
  • When did you start your relationship together?
  • When did you fall in love with your partner?
  • When did you consider yourselves “in a relationship”?
  • What’s the last thing each of you gave the other as a gift?

About You (the applicant)

  • How are you paying your bills and supporting yourself now?
  • How do you and your partner stay in contact? How often? What method(s) of communications?
  • What will you do when you come to Australia?
  • How much time have you spent with your partner’s family?
  • How much time has your partner spent with your family?

About Your Marriage

  • When did you decide to get married?
  • When did you officially become engaged?
  • Where were you when you became engaged?
  • Why are you getting married?
  • Where was the marriage?
  • What was the name of the venue you were married at?
  • How many people attended your marriage ceremony and reception?
  • What restaurant or party palace did you use for the food for your marriage?
  • Which of your family attended the marriage ceremony?
  • Which of your partner’s family attended the marriage ceremony?
  • Before you were married, how often did you date?

About Your Partner

  • What is your partner’s address?
  • When was your partner born?
  • Does your partner have a degree? If so, what type and from what school?
  • What year did your partner graduate from college? (if applicable)
  • What does your partner do for work?
  • Where does your partner work?
  • Is your partner at work now?
  • How does your partner get to and from work?
  • What is your partner’s income?
  • What hours does your partner work? Any overtime?
  • What size clothes does your partner wear?
  • What are your partner’s favourite foods?
  • What are your partner’s hobbies?
  • What does your partner do in his/her spare time?
  • What are your partner’s parents’ names?
  • What do you call your partner’s parents (nicknames, their first names, etc)?
  • What does your partner’s father do for work? Where is he employed?
  • What are the names of your partner’s brothers and sisters?
  • What do your partner’s brothers/sisters do for work? Where are they employed?
  • What is your partner’s parents’ address?
  • What do you love about your partner?

About Traveling

  • What visits has your partner made to come to see you?
  • What visits have you made to go see your partner?
  • Where do you go out to visit when you go out together?

About Living Together With Your Partner

  • Do any others live in the home you share with your partner? If so, who?
  • Why do you allow others to live in the house with your partner?
  • What side of the bed does your partner sleep on?
  • What religion do you practice in your home?
  • If you and your partner are from different religions, how will you handle that with your kids?
  • Please describe your home (that you share with your partner).
  • Please describe the bedroom you sleep in your home.
  • Do you have any pets?
  • What colour are the curtains or blinds in the bedroom?
  • Have you and your partner made any major financial purchases together?
  • Have you and your partner made any major financial commitments (leases, etc) together?
  • What’s the last film you saw together with your partner?
  • (referencing a photo) Who is this person in the photo of you two (describes photo)?
  • What will you do if this visa application is refused?
  • Do you plan to have children with your partner?