Seong Gurung

Seong Gurung

Seong Gurung

Seong Gurung

Australia VISA Success

COE Started on
: N/A
VISA Applied on: N/A
VISA Received on:June 08,2017
INTAKE:July 17,2017

Thanks Kathmandu Infosys for all the support and co-ordination. And wanna thanks to all the staff members who were really delightful and friendly.
I really appreciate for all the things that helped me out under your guidance

Seong Gurung

Course Details

University/Institution: King’s Own Institute, Australia
Campus Location: Sydney
Course: Bachelor of Business(Accounting)
Fees: AUD 12000/Year

Do you want to study in Australia too?

Request a free appointment with us now. We can help you to fulfill your dream of studying abroad at USA.

My experience during the time i Seeking to join US University

My experience during the time i Seeking to join US University

After my first SAT score did not come out as expected, I flew over to Biratnagar to sit for next SAT exam. I had prepared really hard for the standardized tests. I had to score higher in the SAT and the seats were all filled in Kathmandu. I scored 2010 on the second attempt. I got pretty decent TOEFL score of 104 too. The hard work had paid off. Then there came along the demanding tasks of researching about college and writing application essays.

During my preparation, I was visiting USEF at Gyaneshwor and US embassy at Maharajgunj. The former provided large resources for preparation, info sessions and so on. The latter had a library with few test preparation books but many other books and internet connection. The best part about US embassy library was they would allow us to print the materials free of cost. The personnel at USEF always told us not to seek help from the consultancies. I also wanted to do the research on my own. The internet is a great source of information for sure and there are many great sites dedicated to help students find information about the college of their interest .U.S. News provides different types of numerical rankings and lists of colleges. College confidential was one my favorites. I did the research, and I have to admit it was pretty hard going through so many colleges’ websites, emailing them asking if they provide scholarship for international students and so on. And as you know there are literally thousands of colleges in USA.

A list of colleges I thought would be match for me was ready. By early or mid-January I applied to about 6/7 colleges for fall 2015 and the list contained one or two safety colleges and the rest were the top universities in US. Everybody flattered me that I would surely get accepted and get a huge scholarship. But as decisions started to roll out, I did not get the offer from the best ones and I decided not to go to the safety colleges. I even changed my mind about going to US altogether and instead study here in Nepal.

Later one day, I went with a friend of mine to attend an education info session at Bhrikuti Mandap. I was going to the stalls and asking what colleges/universities they had in mind for scores like mine. I, by that time, had already rejected the idea of going to US. So I was taking that as a fun exercise. But one stall made me realize how hard work I had done to achieve the scores and pointed out that there was still a chance that I could apply for spring session. They gave me a card and a name to visit. I was reluctant at first but I thought I would give it a try. The card read Kathmandu Infosys. And the person was Rajendra Rijal. The other day I followed up the address to Dillibazar and asked receptionist if I could see Rajendra sir. After a short Skype communication, I was invited up. We had a great talk. He showed me a list of probable universities. We even followed up in email. He used to talk with university professionals and provide me with lots of information. I had always said NO to the consultancies and here was a consultancy going at a great length to help a student achieve his dream of studying abroad.

I did not go to US due to very personal reasons. But this doesn’t change the fact that I got to learn so many things during the process. I learnt that sometimes it is okay to get help from the people who have already walked the road. It doesn’t, in any way, hurt your independence when you do that but instead shows your resourcefulness. You can always count on a good consultancy when you think of going abroad to study because helping students go abroad is what they excel at. You can always count on Kathmandu Infosys.

Santosh Rana Magar

Santosh Rana Magar

Santosh Rana Magar

Santosh Rana Magar

Australia VISA Success

COE Started on
: N/A
VISA Applied on: N/A
VISA Received on:April 03,2017

After I decided to apply for Australia university, I went through different agents existing in Pokhara. But my trust is totally earned by Kathmandu Infosys after I met such a friendly and experienced counselor. Throughout my processing, I found the entire team of this consultancy very hardworking and friendly. So I would like to thanks Kathmandu Infosys (Specially Bina Gautam Ma’am and Shyam Dahal sir) for helping me as a supportive mentor for achieving my dream and also recommend everyone to at least visit here once.

Santosh Rana Magar

Course Details

University/Institution: University of Tasmania, Australia
Campus Location: Tasmania
Course: Master of Information Technology & System
Fees: AUD 22130/Year

Do you want to study in Australia too?

Request a free appointment with us now. We can help you to fulfill your dream of studying abroad at USA.

Starting to Study-Financial Planning

Starting to Study-Financial Planning

International studies demand a high degree of financial strength. So you need to make various analyses so as to decide if you can afford to study. You must have clear ideas regarding:

  • How much your study will cost and
  • How you are going to pay for it

The cost of attending an educational institution is dependent on that institution of your choice and preferred course of study. Thus it is necessary that you sort out:

  • What you are going to study and
  • Where you are going to study

These are the important criteria to figure out how much the study alone is going to cost you. Take a program that you are passionate about, have skills for and one that can land you in an excellent career in future. Choose an institution that values your dream while providing world recognized education and experiences.

In addition to compulsory course fees and course related costs, the costs associated with living are inevitable. The cost of living is dependent primarily upon:

  • Where you live and
  • What accommodation type you choose

Now you have estimated how much it is going to cost you to study, it is time to seek for ways to pay for it. A single source may not be sufficient to pay the total cost. The most common sources being:

  • Family Contribution
  • Scholarship
  • Student loan

Now you will reach a point where you will get an answer to whether or not you can afford to study a chosen program in education provider of your choice while residing in your favorite place. If the answer to the question is Yes, it’s great! However, if the answer is No, you might want to have another look on how you planned to pay for the study. You may not change your study program as it is the one you are passionate about but you can seek options for alternative educational institution, areas to cut some expenses, other ways to fund and of course a cheaper place to live.

It’s good to sort your funding plans before you start study, as you don’t want to be hit by stresses later on. Even if it looks like you can’t afford to study just yet, maybe you need to think about a long-term plan on achieving your dream. There are also a number of people you could talk to that may be able to help:

  • Careers Adviser
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Budgeting Adviser

Kathmandu Infosys also offers excellent career counseling and budgeting advice, and have succeeded placing students in their dream program, institution and country.

Study in University of Tasmania

Study in University of Tasmania

Tasmania is Australia’ southern island state

The state is made of up some of the world’s most stunning landscapes – sweeping, turquoise beaches speckled with startling orange rocks, craggy snow-capped mountains, and towering ancient forests


Tasmania is one of the world’s most remarkable university to study in

Tasmania lies in the unique environment and surrounded by most beautiful places- Water front capital city, with world class cafe and restaurant, natural wilderness and amazing beaches.

Student never feel bored to spend countless evening and weekends, there is the weird and wonderful wildlife.


– Agriculture and Environmental Science                              – Architecture and Design

– Art, Music and Theatre                                                          – Business and Economic

– Art, Humanities and Social Science                                    –  Computing and IT

– Education and Teaching                                                        – Engineering

– Health Science and Community Care                                 – Pharmacy

– Medicine                                                                                  – Nursing

– Science                                                                                    – Media

– Psychology                                                                              – Marine and Antarctic

Study With Us:

  • Under graduate

For further educational and future opportinuty, it it really important to choose your subject in  grade 11 and gradr 12.

– you enjoy.

– which reflect your interests and abilities

– which help you reach your career and employment goals and

– which will develop skills, knowledge and attributes useful throughout your life

  • Post graduate

Postgraduate students at The University of Tasmania benefit from:

– Innovative teaching and research culture is one of the key to present in University of Tasmania.

– Get facilities to access opportunity to conduct investigative work across wide feild.

– Choice of over 200 program and Courses.

– The flexibility to undertake coursework  or to undertake Honours or Research programs.

  • Research Degree

Take your advanced project skills into industry, the public sector, the creative industries or beyond, or would like to take up the chance to conduct your own unique research in your chosen field,Whether you want to work in academic, scientific or public research. A research degree provides you with the training and supervision to achieve your goals

  • Online Courses

There are a manymore courses are avaliable to study online.

Online learning will rapidly become one of the most cost-effective ways to educate the world’s expanding workforce.

  • Scholarship

The Tasmanian International Scholarship (TIS) provides commencing international students with a 25% reduction in registered tuition fees for the duration of their course (provided satisfactory grades are maintained)

If you have completed at least one semester of studies at the University of Tasmania, you will be eligible to apply for scholarships available to all continuing students (domestic and international).