General Introduction:
First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Mrs. Applicant’s name, with the date of birth D.O.B, having a permanent resident of Location name (Location name). I am a married girl and married with Mr. Spouse name on D.O.B and currently living with my in-law family. While applying the visa application for my study purpose, my husband will be accompanied by me in this visa application and we will travel to Australia together. As I wish to take advanced degree in my chosen career field, upgrade myself with skill and knowledge in my preferred study sector, then, I have set plan to carry out my further study in abroad (Australia), hence, I would like to process my application for enrollment presenting myself as the genuine and non-immigrant applicant for student visa subclass 500 (TU) to pursue the desired course in preferred university- university name and location name.

As I am Science and information technology background student from my high school days and having passion in this sector, I wish to continue my further study in the same stream/genre and wish to pursue a Master of Information System (MISP) course program. With immense interest and passion in me to serve work in the Information Technology sector, I wish to study abroad country (Australia) to update my existing skills and knowledge in the IT field. Seeing the broader scope of the course in the present emerging context of information technology, I have decided to take  ‘Master of Information Systems (MISP)’ at the university name ‘, at location name.. I am a promising and dedicated student to pursue higher education abroad to instill me with proper skills and knowledge in the field of Information Technology so that I change and update myself as competent and confident in the IT sector. Being an independent and professional in my subject area, I can lead a successful and prosperous career in my life in the future contributing to the development of the information technology sector for my home country Nepal.

Family Background:
I live in a joint family consisting of XX members in my in-laws family: grandmother-in-law (Mrs. Name), two uncles-in-law (Mr. Name and Mr. Name), XX aunty-in-law, XX cousins and we couple. My father-in-law is already passed away and mother-in-law is no longer in the family’s contact for several years. So, everything in the family is handled by our two Uncles who are engaged in the job and business profession.  So, we are a stable and economically prosperous family living in a harmonious condition in our society as well as community. Though it is a joint family, we have a feeling of mutual understanding and respect each-other and actively working for goodwill and family prestige in the community. My in-law parents have very positive thinking upon me and they have made a wish for my good academic and professional career after achieving a higher degree/education abroad. They have no hesitation to sponsor on my study and living cost for we couple in Australia. In regard to my biological family, father and mother are there in the family. My father and mother are job holders in a social organization. My parents have a good social position in society.

Academic Background and activities after a bachelor degree:
Since education is the limelight of the life, knowing this fact, my parents admitted into School name, location name from where I completed my so-called iron gate exam of secondary level education (S.L.C.) in the year A.D. with first division with distinction (score%) under SLC Board Nepal. With this result, I was remarked as a good students list in my batch in the school. Next, I admitted to higher secondary college to continue my studies. I joined college name, location name. I completed higher secondary (HSEB-education) studies in the year A.D.with first division (score %) from the faculty of Science. Even after passing my +2 qualification, still, the passion of study and quest of further knowledge pushed me ahead. At that time, the IT sector was just taking its beginning level of height in Nepal and there was a big discussion of the importance of IT in every media. So, there seems great charm and passion for IT in modern youth like me. So, I ultimately decided to take up IT subjects in my Bachelor’s degree. I resolute that I must be prepared myself in the IT field and do secure career in this field because we have to make our country rich in IT because world scenario has already proved that how important is IT for the national development. I joined a reputed college in my locality area, location name. The name of the college was college name, Kathmandu, from where I completed ‘Bachelor of Information Technology (B.I.T)’ which was affiliated to ‘University name’ with CGPA XX in the recent year A.D, however, due to result schedule and delay, I got course completion or graduation certificate in only year A.D

As far as the time utilization of my academic gap after Bachelor degree completion in year A.D, I spent my gap time in IELTS test preparation, abroad study research, career planning, course selection etc. I also went for a study internship at company name where I worked as an intern from year A.D to year A.D which proved a great benefit for me in terms of gaining much IT/GIS related knowledge. It was a very fruitful duration for me for gaining extra knowledge by utilizing the spare time and it also inspired me to go for advanced study abroad. Since I am interested to carry out my study abroad and as an initiative for this, I started preparing for the IELTS test exam for XX weeks and appeared my IELTS exam on year A.D and secured an overall XX band score. The confidence level of my English score gave me full confidence that I can easily complete the desired course of study at University name for the course ‘Master of Information Systems’. I found that I have met the entry requirement for my desired course from English and academics. 

Regarding my background of bachelor level study in Information technology my bachelor level, I studied Information Technology as the mainstream of my IT subject. Some important subject I studied in my bachelor degree was: Fundamental of information technology, computer programming, digital logic, principal of management, data communication, computer graphics, operating system, computer network, system analysis, and design, data structure, and algorithm, numerical method, network programming, software engineering, computer organization, web technology, database management, e-commerce, wireless communication, software project management, remote sensing, etc. I want to study ‘Master of Information Systems’ as it is based on my previous studies background and I have innermost passion and interest in this field to become a good IT professional in my home country. Hence, I wanted to enroll in University name academic program ‘Master of Information Systems’.

Why not study in the home country Nepal?
Taking a proper decision in proper time is always a big matter and it is a very challenging task too. Most of the students opined that building an educational career abroad leaving the home country will be very difficult and awesome experience as it will give students new academic learning environment with new study ideas, skills, and concepts. Of course, IT course in master level courses are easily available in our home country Nepal but there is limited seats available in the institution. In fact, Nepalese university like Tribhuvan University (TU), Purbanchal University (PU), Kathmandu University (KU), Pokhara University, etc. are the provider of the course in IT and other subjects too. Besides, more than 2 dozen of other colleges affiliated with local and international universities are also offering the program in IT but these Nepalese universities’ ranking in the world is more backward in quality and recognition than Australian-based universities or any other reputed university in the world. For example, One of our old and esteemed Nepalese university—Tribhuvan University’s world ranking in quality education comes around 1100 whereas some Australian universities’ ranking come under 50 ranking. This figure indicates that how backward we are in the timely-relevant and industry-demand quality education. Almost all the university of Australia and other English speaking country comes in ranking below 500 which indicate the level of quality and their international recognition. In fact, the world’s present time market is demanding practical education which can address the market demand. So, there is a vast gap between demand and supply. In a sense, I could  study in my home country’s university but taking local degree may keep me backward and could not compete in the competitive job market due to theory  based education and dim quality as practical aspect is poor in Nepal. Analyzing the current nature of the job market locally & internationally, value of international degree, job reputation in can offers for intentionally graduate, difference of international education exposure made me think for seriously in this matter and finally, I decided to study in Australia to widen and broaden my career prospects. 

Why study in Australia?
Australia is often said to the country of ocean of knowledge and research-based education taught and trained by the expert brainy persons. Australia has become a renowned education destination worldwide because of its quality assurance in education, safety environment, career-oriented practical degree/education, hi-tech technology used in educational practices/research, extensive investment in education for better outcome, infrastructure, frequent monitoring, action, vision, and planning. All of these aspects have made Australian education’ one of the best and finest education in the world.

Further, when I started searching more about Australia and Australian institutions: colleges and universities, I found the course structure is very much impressive, research-oriented, practical based and result-oriented along with the affordable fee structure and living cost too. Living costs AUD. 21,041.00 is very affordable for living compared to other countries. I have found that the Government of Australia is always doing its best to make its education hub by investing in education and educational research activities. It is always working for the right and protection of the international students and working in favor of students ensuring their bright career. So, to protect the student right, Australia has wisely implemented education laws like ESOS Act (Education Services for Overseas Student)’ framework and Tuition protection scheme (TPS) System that focus on the protection of the right of international students in the global scenario. It has clearly assured the security of students’ paid tuition fee and protects the right of the international students to ask for course progression in their respective colleges and universities which I think a great advantage point for international students. Australia’s reputation for higher education is well-known in the world in terms of its industry-based and industry-demand or industry-relevant quality education. By focusing on the quality parameter in education, a safe environment to study, extensive research activities in academia, the introduction of new technology teaching-learning activities, it is becoming a great hub for international education. By providing scholarships for deserving international students, arranging compulsory health insurance systems (OSHC), promotion of technology for the sustainability of life, infrastructure development, creating a stimulating environment, it is making it the global education powerhouse. In addition, the native English speaking environment and multiculturalism are another plus point for international students to get great exposure in such a healthy environment. So, the structure of Australian society is mix-up or multicultural from which we can develop good relations among the different people of the world, learn some value from them and develop a sense of international brotherhood which will be a great experience for me to enrich the life.

International research reveals the fact that Australia is currently the third most popular education destination behind the United States and the UK. Employers of all over the world also recognize degrees from Australian academic institution. Respect for multiculturalism, safety living and study environment due to strict gun control systems is another good aspect of Australia where there occurs very rarely social violence. On the contrary, we are hearing frequently occurring violence activities in the USA and Europe too. Australia always welcomes international students by creating a healthy and safe study environment. It is the place of brainy people involving in regular research work and projects. I hope that my academic career will flourish in height and I will have technical/practical knowledge from my education provider in Australia. My central goal is to achieve an international degree that will give me a competitive cutting-edge type of education that can establish me well and prestigious in this vast cosmos of the world. In nutshell, I have selected Australia to shine my career in my preferred field of IT. Australia is considered to be most advanced and developed country in the world in terms of technology and infrastructure and education. Australia has a high reputation for educational excellence, globally recognized courses and qualifications. Apart from that, due to a safe and rewarding environment, a relaxed lifestyle, English speaking environment are worth mentioning features of Australia.

Why not the UK, USA, Europe and Canada higher studies for similar courses?
As soon as I made up my mind to study abroad, I started searching for various universities/colleges in different English speaking countries like the USA, UK, Canada, and Europe which are still very popular destinations for abroad study. Regarding the USA, I searched for some universities in the USA providing my desired course. Some of them are the University of Southern California, University of Virginia, Columbia University and so on. Although they offered good programs, facilities, and environment, I found them a bit costly and living cost is also high there in the USA. I could not find the USA favorable from the wealth/climate point of view. Different kinds of natural disasters (see typhoon, flood, tsunami, wildfire, landslide are frequently hitting in the USA compared to another country so it is making unsafe every time. Moreover, to get admission into institutions of the USA, students need to appear different kinds of pre-enrollment test exams which is time-consuming and lengthy as well. Security is the main challenging threat in the US due to frequent misuse of the gun in public places and casualty occurs frequently. Likewise, while researching the UK, I came to know about various issues about educational institutions are found shut down/collapsed in the UK which caused thousands of international students’ careers is damaged. Apart from this, due to the expensive currency exchange rate, living and study in the UK are expensive too. Unlike Australia, UK does not ensure the right and protection of international students’ paid fees. Next, Canada could be another attractive destination but getting a Canadian University is tough due to their lengthy immigration process and their admission rate is very low. Moreover, the climate aspect of Canada is very challenging due to its very severe cold climate scenario. Since I do not suit cold weather/climate, and health is wealth, I did not opt for studying in Canada too. Europe could be a viable option for higher studies but these years Europe has been facing many kinds of critical problems like security problems etc. Moreover, there is a wide use of local language is used in European countries which could be a great barrier for international students to adjust and communicate with European society. From the investment point of view, I found studying in the UK, USA, Canada seems very expensive compared to Australia as the money exchange rate is higher than Australia which makes my study costly. For example: 1 USD = NPR amount, 1 Euro = NPR amount, 1 Canadian Dollar = NPR amount, 1 Pound Sterling Dollar = NPR amount as on the day of in year A.D. as per the website of bank name. While talking about abroad study destination, our neighboring country India could be an option, but, I did not find any remarkable difference between India and Nepal’s educational environment along with most cultural similarities and language too. 

Reasons to choose to study ‘Master of Information Systems’ (MISP):
Playing with technological gadgets, interest in technological advancement, understanding the IT sector from my school period, my all interest went to in technical and computer peripheral. As I grew up, I got attracted to more of this kind of technological gadgets and the use of the internet which developed my interest in Technology more and more. Technology seems very friendly to human beings to make their life easy and relax, then a keen interest hit me to explore different prospects of technological advancement with it and try to excavate new things from my self-learning with it. I further researched IT online material and Youtube and magazine and online material including YouTube videos, professor’s tutorial material on different websites. The daily update news of technology change, gadget arrival in the market always enchanted me to keep interested in IT. Talking broadly about IT contribution in society and people, IT has facilitated the people and every kind of organization to handle their day to day phenomenon in a great deal. The banking system, government national information service portal, Tax system are run by IT which has reduced workload and reduced the time considerably. Due to the IT role in the worldwide context, it has been possible to make paperless and hassles free offices. The radical change in human life has been possible now though the right and proper use of information technology. No matter small to the big business houses today are mostly depend on IT service. The telecommunication sector which is widely used in the present scenario fully depends on IT-based application/system. Similarly, all gadgets—mobile, computer, laptop are built on software-based technology which is a big part of IT too. In a sense, IT is the main crucial part of a human being. The trend of using the IT system and technology is increasing globally. Worldwide popular Apple and Android products and its software systems are run by IT creation. So, life without IT is like incomplete and no developed society can be imagined without IT. This factor made me pursue a master’s degree in information systems. 

The University name offers a highly demanding and very career-oriented course which is an effective program in IT (MIS); accredited by Australian professional society namely as an Australian computer society.  After pursuing the course ‘Master of Information Systems (MISP) course and after graduation from University name, I will achieve successful professional career like business analyst, system analyst, data architect, business data modular, enterprise resource planning, computer programmer, computer support, help desk support, IT manager, IT sales and marketing specialist, business process engineer, IT project manager, consultant, IT security specialist, etc. Besides, with this degree, I can work in the sector of the Business analyst, analyzing information, programming skill, software designing, developing, installing software solutions, software documentation, support and develops software team testing, cloud computing, network security. The program aims for the professionally-oriented program that imparts graduate with the opportunity to acquire an information system qualification.

21st century is age of technology and innovation. IT has been so inevitable part of human life that it has become an inseparable part of our day to day life. Our every personal and business activity, governments service sector and private service sector essentially demand the role of IT to disseminate the service to the public. In fact, our all requirements are over-capped by the IT sector. Undoubtedly, IT sector has revolutionized the world and people in society have changed the working pattern of the industry, business sector. There is nothing can be hidden that is not affected by IT revolution. Hence, the IT sector is the most popular and fast-earning career for IT professionals. It is an established fact that the IT sector is the fastest growing industry career in the world including my home country too. I believe I will succeed in building my career in this field because I am an eager and enthusiastic student who has the potential to catch up with new learning and experience.

 Course skills, course structure, and course content:
MIS is a very innovation course designed for business enterprises. University name has well-designed this course aims to bring positive and expected change in the students so that they can be future IT leaders in any corner of the world. I have visited the university’s website as: ( website link ) and found that University name ‘Master of Information Systems’ is designed for students who want to secure their bright career in the field of different spectrum of information technology in line with the business world. The course aims to sharpen the skills and broaden the mind of the students in the IT sector. More importantly, after completion of the course, I will be able to do:

  • demonstrate specific knowledge and skills in information technology which are relevant to their disciplines and careers
  • demonstrate an understanding of a broad range of topics in information technology
  • design, manage and develop software systems in an effective manner
  • lead discussions relating to the computing aspects of their work-place
  • demonstrate skills in the analysis and determination of technological issues at management level
  • identify, analyze and solve problems in one or more areas of technology by selecting and using either quantitative or qualitative techniques appropriate to the resolution of technological problems
  • satisfy academic admission requirements for membership of relevant professional bodies
  • identify, interpret and evaluate major issues in a range of contemporary business information technology areas
  • apply acquired knowledge associated with the studies to work environments
  • articulate the principal theories, concepts, and applications associated with relevant information technology area(s)
  • demonstrate ethical behavior and act in accordance with the ethics of the profession.

The course I have chosen to study in University name will be delivered on its campus located at location name . The mode of the course is on campus. The course will be of 2 years of period with 4 semesters. I will be required to undertake 16 courses to complete to get full graduation from the course. The total fee of the entire 2 years course program is AUD amount. The subjects I may need to study under my given course are Professional Skills for Information Systems, Management of Business Online, Professional Skills for Systems Analysis, Management of Information Security, Professional Skills for Business Analysis, Management of Information Technology Services, Global Information Systems Strategy, Enterprise Planning and Implementation, Management of Business Telecommunications, Information Systems Project Management, Digital Innovation, Strategic Information Security, Digital Enterprise, Applied Research for Information System Professionals, Applied Information Systems Research Project, etc. I found that the course structure of MISP at the University name is designed in consultation with relevant subject experts and industry experts feeling the dire needs of professionals in the growing IT market. As University name is a globally recognized university offering high quality and practical education as per market and industry, it ventures to provide the optimum level of satisfaction to the international students in a very conducive environment. It is a matter of extreme pride that University name has a team of skilled and professional tutors and professors to impart quality education for students to produce competent manpower for the industry. The degree course program delivered at University name is a research-oriented program designed with consultation with industry experts and researchers. The course is logically and scientifically proven and tested for market or industrial background.

The reason behind choosing the University name?
University name is one of the leading, esteemed and promising universities having its base location name in Australia. After in-depth research of this university by visiting its websites (website name), and other references YouTube and brochure material, I found that it is one of the well-equipped modern university in Australia dedicated in its holy mission of imparting career-oriented practical education as per modern teaching approach to the students. It became the University name and gained its full university status in year A.D. With around 29,000 students in its three campuses located at location name spread across Queensland State. In fact, I chose to study in University name because it is number #XX. University name for graduate starting salary (employability). Besides, University name is ranked in the top XX universities in Australia for graduate in full time work. University name has a very close tie-up or link with many industry partners that facilitate the international students for easy in-tern work facilities under the curriculum base of the university. University name holds a reputation worldwide for its qualitative education. Also, behind choosing. As per university guide Year A.D, University name is placed as the university that embraces the students-focused teaching and learning method. With its excellent result in imparting quality education, University name is able to build a network of over XX alumni across the XX countries worldwide. One more important thing about University name is that it is very considerable is it is one of the leading environment-friendly institutions which has tried to reduce carbon footprint in and around the campus. 

The students’ population in University name includes multicultural universities consisting of both national as well as international students including indigenous Australian making it a multicultural university. Being an award-winning university and adopting an innovative teaching system approach, University name provides a good experience for the graduate with a higher class of quality of education. I believe all the Australian universities have well-qualified lectures but up to my knowledge and from the internet searching the trainers/professors are more qualified and experienced and competent. I also felt that its annual fees are comparatively affordable than other universities who deliver the same kind of qualification degree (Master of Information Systems). Evaluating its academic profile/glorious of its academic excellence history, I have decided to enroll and study in it. I had even searched for other colleges and universities in Australia, however, I found the best course, facilities offered by the university is better than the other college/universities I have researched. Far from the maddening crowd city like Sydney and Melbourne, University name offers a very conducive study environment for international students. While searching for the other education providers in Australia for similar types, of course, I have found no competent education providers that have a strong value and reputation like that of University name. For an enthusiastic and passionate student like me, its Information Technology course is best for students in terms of place/location, quality and affordability and so on. University name is always scanning what’s happening in the world, the latest change in industry and academic and prepared its graduate accordingly. I found University name is the best option for me because of affordable tuition fees and have good students customize support for international students where the massive number of students inclined towards University name to have their further education. University name helps students to equip the student with the required knowledge and skill as the modern time demand and make then sure to grab future career opportunities. 

Comparison with other providers in Australia:
Australia is the home of multi-culture people from different countries and culture. Adopting new educational methodology and approach, use of wide range of advanced technological support, extensive research, micro-class, conducive environment, brainy lecture and professors are the important key factor or brands of Australian institutions.  In fact, it is often a very difficult and confusing factor for the students to choose which one education provider abroad is best from the long list of education providers. As I made up my mind in studying in Australia, I looked up and searched for different universities providing the same course. One of the high ranking universities I have searched is Murdoch University which offers ‘Master of Information Technology with the fee structure of AUD amount per year. In the same way, La-Trobe University offers the Master of Information Technology program with a fee structure of AUD amount per year. Besides, Curtin University also offers the  academic program ‘Master of Science majoring in Computer Science with fee of AUD amount per year. These are the some of the esteemed universities of Australia having international recognition, however, based on the affordability of tuition fee of the university (AUD amount per year), university worldwide recognition/reputation, cool and serene study location on Queensland, competent and effective management team and teaching faculty, care and customized students support, best course structure, adaptation of new technology factor attracted me to study in this university. In fact, I found holistic education vision and education approach in this university and ultimately decided to pursue my desired higher education in MISP from USQ.

Why University name?
My research found that University name is regional area based esteemed university of Australia popular for research oriented university too. It has campuses in campus name. Among these campuses in Queensland, I have decided to study in its  campuses name because of its extremely enchanting natural location, student support, state-of-the art facilities etc. University name is located in XX Location name In fact campus name is located nearly XX minutes to Brisbane, XX minutes to Gold Coast, XX minutes to Toowoomba. There is around 26000 of population and this city is emerging as most dynamics urban growth area in Queensland. Regarding my interest to choose campus name of University name, is a vibrant and lively campus furnished with attractive facilities for international students. The campus is furnished with resourceful labs, library provide wireless access to each students. There is international student help desk managed by the management of the campus. There is regularly organized sport and recreational activities. The bookshop of campus is offering various facilities like study materials, textbook and so on. The university has arranged University name bus shuttle services   with free of cost. The easy and accessible Translink bus services has made easier to travel to campus location. So, from all these perspective, Springfield campus of University name is best location for study and shining a bring career.

Future plan, career prospects after completion of the course:
As of my prepared plan, first of all, I will complete my desired course program from University name. Then, I will apply for the PSW facility given to international students as endowed by Australian laws. I studied that I can widen my horizon of my mind, skill in hand while working in the similar field of study under PSW. I will complete the PSW time obeying the Australian laws and try to take international real-world job experience.  Thereafter, I including my spouse will come back to my home country and join a job in an esteemed IT related job with following various popular online job portal of Nepal such as: merojob.com, JobsNepal.com, ramrojob.com, kumarijob.com, merorojgari.com, cmsjob.com. There are more than two dozen offline print media which are also giving the vacancy information daily too such as Kantipur national daily, rajdhani national daily, Naya Patrika national daily, Annapurna post-national daily, etc.

As morning shows the days, the scope of information technology is growing rapidly day by day. In fact, technology has revolutionized the entire world by making the world a global village and a single click of the mouse can make a huge difference in a distance. The evidence of presence of 5G technology is expected entire technology sector making the whole world a smart city. Hence, with an international degree from University name, Australia, I am very hopeful of making my career so shining and dynamics because I will have expert/higher level of skill and knowledge to cater to the professional career in the future. The online and offline media has been revealing the fact that the IT sector offers very lucrative career opportunities for skilled and capable professionals in this fast-paced competitive global era. My preferred course ‘Master of Information Systems’ is the most effective interlined with the business and society. It can be a great occupation for deserving IT professionals. It is an emerging occupation field in the present context where IT has been proved crucial to lead the present advanced world. I have no hesitation to say that my proposed course at University name will instill me with the required level of skill, knowledge, competencies and will increase my performance in IT genre and develop effective performance in my chosen career field.

With such an advanced and excellent degree from such a recognized institution (University name), I can establish myself in a leading position in IT/Business field within a few years of graduation from the course. First, I will complete the degree with good score with my hard work and penetration on study, then with view to taking international work experience in the similar field, I will apply for PSW facility as per legal rule for international students; a great facility for international students to widen and sharpen graduate students’ knowledge and skill. With the gaining of this degree, I could apply for job in various Business and IT companies of Nepal like Chaudhari Group, Nepal Telecom, Ncell, Smart Telecom, Khetan group, Sharada group, Jyoti group, Eval Technologies, Braindigit IT solution Pvt. Ltd., Artificial Info Tech Pvt. Ltd., Verscend, Dearwalk, F1 Soft, Cloudfactory etc. With the internationally recognized Master’s degree from Australia and observing the possible career to build in Nepal, I could earn a monthly salary of at least NPR. Amount to NPR. Amount per month easily in my home country as a full-time job holder whereas the locally graduate are expected to get around  NPR. Amount to NPR. Amount  per month. Besides this, I can work as a part time job in my free time in any IT companies and earn more. I think, altogether, I have to make an investment of around AUD amount for two years of study and living cost (couple family), but, I can recover the investment after working around 7-10 years normally. But, we have plan to establish our own IT company after working some years in esteemed IT companies of Nepal and it would give me more profit if we work with hard labor and genuine interest; we are very committed for it too. My husband and entire family members will also support in this matter and they are agreed in this project too. Apart from this fact, with the international degree from Australia, I can expect modest pay and salary, the reputation of my skill and personality and living with my family member will give me perfect satisfaction with good social respect in my home country.

Incentive to return to home country:
Serving my own motherland is my prime concern in life. Hence, I can confidently say that the degree I will gain from academically sound country Australia will be the great and worth assets to me and for my country too because my ultimate goal is to build my nation by actively taking part in its development activities from the technological ground. I am greatly inspired by some of the great personalities of Nepal. For example, I can never forget a great Nepalese scientist, social activist, and entrepreneur Mr. Mahabir Pun (who was awarded with Magsaysay Award) for his innovation of wireless technology accessed to remote area of Nepal, Myagdi) who had studied his higher degree from USA and now he has been actively working for Nepalese technology promotion after his returning from abroad on the discovery project of various technology that could be fit as Nepalese society-friendly. By taking this international degree and working in my home country, I will be closer to my family and relatives circle and can live off comfortably in my home country. Ultimately, after completion of my course at University name, I have decided to come back to my home country and involve in reputed IT companies in Nepal. Later on a time, after collecting capital and taking more experience in the same field, I have another plan to set up my own company for IT/business-related solutions where I could create job opportunities for local youths. These days, business-related software development/software administrator projects are also being popular in Nepal for both private organizations and public organizations. As a vibrant youth of my country and representing the female group, it would be my challenge how I can prove myself as a qualified citizen of my country and educate women group in my home country with active participation in the mainstream of national development. Furthermore, we have to take care of the family property that my family member owns. Our family posses the property value of more than  NPR. Amount  which needs our care and protection in our sponsors’/family members’ old age. Besides, as morning shows the day, Nepal is launching national wide 4G/5G wireless mobile network connectivity. Broadband internet project is also running from east to west, south to North. After federal model of governing system has been implemented, Government has started a project ‘Paperless office’ and ‘Digitalization Nepal’ where hundreds of youth IT expert are working and more skilled human resources are likely to join and they can be benefitted as well. So, I wish to be part of this program and wish to contribute to nation from my side as well. Thus, after completion of my desired degree, I including my husband will be back to our home country and headed to serve for the nation as per our best.

Funding arrangement of my studies in Australia:
I know that fund/financial is a crucial part of genuine student who want to study in Australia under GTE criteria. Obviously and Genuinely, I represent a stable economic background family who does not have problem in my education in abroad. My in-laws family along with my biological family has ensured our financial requirement for tuition fees, living costs, OSHC and travel fair. Our sponsor is our family member as : grandmother-in-law, uncles-in law and my biological parents too. To ensure my study funding, my sponsors have made education loan sanctions of NPR. Amount from recognized ‘A’ grade bank of Bank name. This amount is equivalent to AUD Amount as on the day of year A.D. This loan amount will be used for paying university one-year tuition fees, initial admission fee, OSHC fee for the whole duration for two years, living expenses for a couple and two-way travel fare. The amount will be disbursed from the bank as the requirement and as a guideline by my university. We have enough annual family income sources from two sides of the family; we have altogether NPR. Amount yearly income from job/salary, business, land lease, and house rent. So, my sponsors are capable to sponsor for us along with the capacity to run the day to day household expenses and can pay bank regular EMI installment again the bank loan.  So, all this situation indicates that my family is capable to sponsor my study and our living cost in Australia. 

My visa subclass 500 conditions:
I am well aware about the visa terms and conditions that each international student has to fulfill under student visa sub-class 500. As an international student, I have to obey following conditions under visa sub-class 500 until I remain in Australia:

   Students need to maintain a minimum 80% of attendance

   Students are allowed to work 40 hrs/per fortnight on a part-time basis

   Students need to clear 50% of subjects in each term/semester

   Students cannot change the university for 6 months upon enrollment

   Students need to maintain adequate health insurance until they remain in Australia

   Students must notify to University/DHA within 7 days if they change the address/ contact details

   Students must not be involved in activities that are disruptive or violence that threaten or harm to the Australian community or a group within the Australian community. 

Education is the gateway to success. I wish to live with pride, satisfaction, and glory living in my own home country in this globalized world where there exits tough competition in every field, then, it has been essential for every individual person to be creative, competent and skilled in the preferred sector. It is no doubt that today’s investment is tomorrow’s future. So, with the philosophy in the mind, I wish to take an international degree and make me qualified to be a genuine citizen so that I can serve my country being skillful and professional. To be honest, I wish to establish myself in the society and lead the prestigious social life. The internationally recognized degree has been proved a milestone for the country’s development. A country’s development is only possible when youth are united and used their skills and knowledge about the betterment of the country. Experience has taught that international education helps to bring new education concepts, new development modality, multi-culture experience, real-world job exposure, advanced skill and technology that can be used for the holistic development of the nation. The degree on one side will grow my professionalism in the IT sector on one side and on the other hand, the country will get an expert, skilled and talented people to supplement the skilled manpower in the development project. The achieved degree ‘Master of Information Systems’ from an educationally sound country like Australia will give me proper enthusiasm in my career path.

I feel that the master’s degree study at the University name shall be the most creative, dynamic and innovative solution in my professional career and it will be a major step towards advancing my career goal. It would be a great pleasure and honor for me if given an opportunity to study my preferred course ‘Master of Information Systems’ at University name, for the upcoming intake

Thanks for your time and consideration upon my application.

Sincerely yours,

Applicant’s name

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