Tasmania is Australia’ southern island state

The state is made of up some of the world’s most stunning landscapes – sweeping, turquoise beaches speckled with startling orange rocks, craggy snow-capped mountains, and towering ancient forests


Tasmania is one of the world’s most remarkable university to study in

Tasmania lies in the unique environment and surrounded by most beautiful places- Water front capital city, with world class cafe and restaurant, natural wilderness and amazing beaches.

Student never feel bored to spend countless evening and weekends, there is the weird and wonderful wildlife.


– Agriculture and Environmental Science                              – Architecture and Design

– Art, Music and Theatre                                                          – Business and Economic

– Art, Humanities and Social Science                                    –  Computing and IT

– Education and Teaching                                                        – Engineering

– Health Science and Community Care                                 – Pharmacy

– Medicine                                                                                  – Nursing

– Science                                                                                    – Media

– Psychology                                                                              – Marine and Antarctic

Study With Us:

  • Under graduate

For further educational and future opportinuty, it it really important to choose your subject in  grade 11 and gradr 12.

– you enjoy.

– which reflect your interests and abilities

– which help you reach your career and employment goals and

– which will develop skills, knowledge and attributes useful throughout your life

  • Post graduate

Postgraduate students at The University of Tasmania benefit from:

– Innovative teaching and research culture is one of the key to present in University of Tasmania.

– Get facilities to access opportunity to conduct investigative work across wide feild.

– Choice of over 200 program and Courses.

– The flexibility to undertake coursework  or to undertake Honours or Research programs.

  • Research Degree

Take your advanced project skills into industry, the public sector, the creative industries or beyond, or would like to take up the chance to conduct your own unique research in your chosen field,Whether you want to work in academic, scientific or public research. A research degree provides you with the training and supervision to achieve your goals

  • Online Courses

There are a manymore courses are avaliable to study online.

Online learning will rapidly become one of the most cost-effective ways to educate the world’s expanding workforce.

  • Scholarship

The Tasmanian International Scholarship (TIS) provides commencing international students with a 25% reduction in registered tuition fees for the duration of their course (provided satisfactory grades are maintained)

If you have completed at least one semester of studies at the University of Tasmania, you will be eligible to apply for scholarships available to all continuing students (domestic and international).